Meet Our Festival Playwrights – Lauren Gunderson

Meet Our Festival Playwrights – Lauren Gunderson

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Lauren Gunderson

Lauren Gunderson brings music and song to the Festival with The Fatales, an epic feminist pop crusade for a knowing justice, via musical defiance. It’s feisty, ridiculous, girly, and loud.  We can’t wait.

Saturday, July 15 at 12PM and Saturday, July 22 at 8PM

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How does your writing process begin and how do you know you have reached a grand idea for a story?

I always start with the end of the play first. If I have some idea of where the play is going I can begin to write it. For this play, I knew that a secret would be revealed that would change everything about the story the audience has just experienced. My job then became how to earn that reveal and how to layer in clues throughout the play to justify it. Of course, it’s also about creating invigorating and iconic characters that are unforgettable. But that’s the fun work!

Why do you keep writing or creating stories?

Fiction isn’t fake. It’s essential to our collective humanity and longevity of the human spirit. Live storytelling is, in some ways, a relief from technology — a hyper-present balance to the experience of living digitally and virtually. Live storytelling asks you to show up, to empathize with another living human being in front of you, to be surprised and lighted by the power of live art and gathered community. Writing for the theater is an indescribable experience, in part, because we are doing something with such ancient primal roots. We gather around the fire and listen to each other, so we can learn to be better people and be fully alive in our time.

What is your favorite moment during the writing, revision or rehearsal process?

The very first reading where everyone’s reactions are totally bare and honest. I learn more than any single time in the development process: when we all laugh together or cry or lean in. And the first time and audience offers their reactions is the same thing; it’s electric and dynamic for me.

For you, what is special about the Playwrights Foundation or the festival overall?

The festival is intensive and communal. I’m so inspired seeing the other plays and playwrights while I get to go and work on my own play. It’s such an extraordinary town for creativity and pattern breaking ideas. Its a privilege and a pleasure to develop new players here.


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