“I was really touched by the audience’s response to my play that helped to flesh out key interactive components. I developed a strong trusting relationship with my director and dramaturg early on and they both helped to immeasurably improve the play. But honestly some of the best dramaturgical conversations were with the other playwrights.”

-Jason Tseng


Playwright, Fear & Wonder 


Applications for the 47th Bay Area Playwrights Program will open on

September 30, 2024.

The Bay Area Playwrights Festival (BAPF) is one of the oldest new play festivals in the country, having served hundreds of playwrights over its 47 years. We seek to uplift playwrights who are pushing the boundaries of what has traditionally been represented on American Theatre stages. We value artistic experimentation and innovation in either form, content, and/or style, as well as expanding representation of communities that have been historically excluded.


Our Process 


In 2023, we updated our program structure to serve playwrights over a longer period of time to allow for more development and growth within the process.


BAPF provides vital artistic resources to participating writers over a 10-month period including:

  • Time and space with a professional and talented creative team
  • Support for individualized playwright-centered goals
  • Engagement with a community of playwrights, theatre professionals and audiences


The ultimate goal of this program is to support the writers’ artistic growth, career advancement, and their journey to production on stages in the Bay Area and across the U.S. Playwrights chosen for the festival will be paired with an artistic team composed of a professional dramaturg, director, and actors, and other artists as needed. The lead artistic team members will go on a 3-day retreat, receive approximately 23 hours of rehearsal, and two staged readings over two weeks at the festival, which will take place in Spring 2026. Local and national producers, theater artists and the general public are invited to the festival to see the staged readings and meet the playwrights.


We want to emphasize that the public staged readings are not intended as a showcase for a finished play. We equally value the creative work in the room and the public readings as opportunities to advance each individual playwright’s developmental goals. Our organization also values connecting playwrights to creative partners and producers.


We will be hosting a Program Overview & Application Help Session on Monday, September 16 at 5:30 pm PT with a live Q&A with Playwrights Foundation staff. The meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted on the Playwrights Foundation website following the session

The application portal will be open on Monday, September 30 at 9:00 AM PT

How to Apply

Applications for the 47th Bay Area Playwrights Program will be open from September 30, 2024 at 9:00 am PT, through October 14, 2024, at 11:59 pm PT, or until we reach our cap of 600 applications. We encourage all playwrights to prepare their materials in advance and apply early. For further details, please scroll down to our FAQ section. 


Applications must be sent through our online portal, which will be available and linked on this page on Monday, September 30 at 9:00 am PT. For detailed information on the application process and a pre-application checklist, please review the Application Guidelines.


Minimum $1,200 Stipend. If in-person, travel and housing is guaranteed for non-local playwrights.

Eligibility Guidelines & Considerations

We welcome applications from writers of all ages, backgrounds, identities, national writers, and local Bay Area writers. Special attention is given to Bay Area writers, early career writers of any age, BIPOC and other historically marginalized writers.


Applicant Criteria:

  • Must reside in the U.S. and have valid work authorization (Social Security Card, Green Card, or Employment Authorization Document).
  • Must be either an early or mid-career playwright (of any age). 
  • Must be available to attend the BAPF47 Retreat and the Spring 2026 festival.
  • If previously selected for the previous Bay Area Playwrights Festival, observe a one-year hiatus before reapplying. Semifinalists, Finalists, and Honorable Mentions from past BAPF cycles are eligible and encouraged to apply again.
  • Cannot be a current Resident Playwright Program participant.
  • Only one application per playwright per cycle.


Play Criteria:

  • Full-length, unproduced, original plays in PDF format.
  • Primarily in English (multilingual accepted).
  • Playwrights can apply with a new draft of a play they previously applied with for one additional application cycle. Please do not apply a third time with the same play.
  • We do accept adaptations, but not translations.
  • Plays are primarily in English (multilingual plays are accepted).
  • We do not accept plays with 9+ cast size and are limited to 1-8 person cast sizes.
  • We do not accept musicals or plays with music at this time.

Our Evaluation Process

We have an open application process for the Bay Area Playwrights Festival, where ultimately, five playwrights’ new work will be chosen for development.


We strive to create a process which is equitable and fair to all who apply. Every script will be read fully twice by readers on our National Committee of theater professionals who are advocates and allies of new work. Before any decisions are made regarding our Semi-Finalists round, multiple staff members will evaluate each writer’s script, individual development goals and resumes. In our Semi-Finalist and Finalist rounds, a community of 20 Bay Area theater artists of multiple disciplines will gather to discuss plays that have advanced. Applicants will be notified of their status (either advance or did not advance) at the end of each stage. 


Review Timeline

  • Mid-October 2024: Initial Script Review 
  • January 2025: Semi-Finalist Review will begin 
  • March 2025: Finalist Review 
  • May 2025: Selected playwrights will be notified


For more on our process, read Heather Helinsky’s articles from 2020 and 2021, and Kaela Mei-Shing Garvin’s (BAPF44 Alum & BAPF45 Play Selection Advisor) article from 2022. We review our application and evaluation process every year and are in contact with the Dramatists Guild and LMDA regarding best practices for our organization, to help guide updates.


How do I request a fee waiver?

If you are experiencing economic hardship, are a PF alum, current student, or participated on the National Committee, you are eligible to request a fee waiver.


Directions on how to apply for a waiver:

  • Within the application payment section, you can click for a Request for a Fee Waiver. That will notify the Literary Staff you’d like a Fee Waiver and we will review for approval.
  • You’ll still be asked to choose an amount/value that you would have paid for the application (any amount.) That gives us internal information to report the value of the subsidized application. You will not be charged that amount if fee waiver is approved. Please proceed and finish the application.
  • This puts your application into a PENDING status. The Literary team will have to review your application during normal business hours. Please give the staff 48 hours on a weekday.
  • You will then receive an Invoice in your email that your Fee Waiver request has been accepted by the staff and your application is complete.
  • We recommend not waiting until the deadline to ask for a Fee Waiver—the earlier the better.


Why do you only accept 600 applications?

As we continue to deepen our selection process to be more equitable and playwright centered, we want to ensure we stay within the capacity of our part-time literary staff. Having a limit on applications sets us up better for success to have a caring and thorough process.


Where can I read more information about the selection and application process? 

The BAPF Application Guidelines document has the most comprehensive information on our application, evaluation, and selection process. Please review thoroughly.

Additional questions about the application process?
Check out the application guidelines or email us at literary@playwrightsfoundation.org.