Young Professionals Night

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The Bay Area Playwrights Festival Young Professional Cohort is proud to present HAPPENING!



Half participatory theater, half staged readings; HAPPENING was a creative outlet for your fears and rage surrounding imminent, pressing issues from the 2018 American zeitgeist.


HAPPENING began with three staged readings of works written by three members of the Young Professional Cohort. Each work touched on a different issue pressing heavily on the minds of the playwrights. HAPPENING works addressed how we discover queerness as we grow up, racism against black bodies in China, and appropriation of violence in the news. After the readings, the audience and Young Professional Cohort sat together and discussed the impact on the readings had on the audience and how they intertwine with what was going on in the news at that moment: Nia Wilson, James Gunn, and Drumpf’s recordings.


HAPPENING gave the audience and the performers a greater sense of community, awareness and creativity by the end. The next step after this event is to focus our art and to remember what stories need to be told now.
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