15 Oct Gillian Heitman, Artistic Fellow at Playwrights Foundation
Posted at 17:03h
by Admin
Tuesdays are my Mondays…and my Saturdays.

Such is life when you work 7 days a week at two places. I’m very tired since I was up since 5:30 A.M. yesterday and didn’t get home until a quarter to
midnight. The good news is I was at Playwrights Foundation’s Fall 2013 Rough Readings at Stanford, hearing playwright Dipika Guha’s new work,
Herculine and Lola, being brought to life by an ensemble of eight talented actors. It’s a known truth that plays are meant to be performed, not simply read, and that’s exactly what happened at the Rough Readings. The actors brought genuine emotion, made real connections with each other, and some even came in costume, which was a nice visual for the color heavy symbolism in the play. Though it’s not the same as seeing a fully produced show, there’s something thrilling about seeing new work being presented and hearing the writer receive feedback on where to go from here.
After such an exciting night, I’m glad to be coming into the PF office today. We’re getting ready for a benefit next month and there’s still casting to do for the remaining two Rough Readings of the season. Stuffing envelopes may not seem fun to most, but I’ll gladly take it over working on data entry on Vendini for four hours straight. And the materials we are putting together are so fun and cute! I definitely would want to go if I got an invite like that.
In the afternoon, we decide Laura is the “rebel” fellow. Really, she’s more like our wacky leader. We went on a “fellow party” to the post office and then to Peets, thanks to her. It was awesome. I got a s’more that was amazing! Just another great day at PF…
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