24 May The Des Voix Festival on NewPlayTV
The Des Voix Festival opens tomorrow with the Bal Literairre or New Play Nightclub. A special event, all the rage in Europe, done in San Francisco for the first time. Featuring the collaborative work of 6 playwrights – Octavio Solis, Liz Duffy Adams, Marcus Gardley, Marion Aubert, Samuel Gallet, and Nathalie Fillion – the New Play Nightclub begins at 7pm.
For more information on what the New Play Nightclub is, click here.
For this special event we will be streaming the show online on NewPlayTV brought to you by the good folks at HowlRound and NewPlayTV. So tune in at 7pm and watch the show. And tweet it up, let us know what you think. Use #newplay & #desvoix to tell us what you think.
BUT IT DOESN’T END THERE! On Sunday, we will present as part of the Des Voix Festival a Colloquium in two parts on International Playwriting and Dramatic Translation.
At 11am Sunday will be part 1 of the Colloquium, a discussion (not a panel) on the International Playwright and the future of the playwright in contemporary theatre streamed live on NewPlayTV. Participating will be Marion Aubert, Nathalie Fillion, Samuel Gallet, Liz Duffy Adams, Marcus Gardley, Lachlan Phillpott (Australian playwright in residence at Playwrights Foundation), Duca Knezevic from the former Yugoslavia, and five Russian theater producers.
At 1pm will be part 2 of the Colloquium, a panel discussion on the translation of dramatic work ALSO streamed live on NewPlayTV featuring Judith Miller, foremost Francophile dramatic translator, and Laurent Muhleisen, Artistic Director of Maison Antoine Vitez, and all the translators from the festival.
BOTH parts of the Colloquium will be streamed on NewPlayTV.
For more information on the live streaming of the New Play Nightclub or the Colloquium on NewPlayTV, click here
After all events, the videos will be archived on NewPlayTV. We will be sure to post a followup blog with links to those videos in archive once they become available.
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