30 Apr Interview with a Playwright: Eugenie Chan
Where do you most often find inspiration?
In everyday actions — the small rituals we do over and over again, like making a cup of tea, buying groceries at the same produce store, having the same conversation with the same person. Seeing what happens when these daily activities are broken.
- What one tip can you offer aspiring playwrights?
Get connected. Work, volunteer, get involved at the theater or organization where they’re making the kind of theater you love.
- How did you get your start in playwriting? Where and when was this seed planted?
In the 5th grade. I wrote a play about Hermes and his brother Apollo herding cows and made our teacher the cow. I thought that was so great and empowering.
- What was your most embarrassing high school moment?
Um, I’m still in high school, kinda sorta. I teach. Often in high school. So, as a grown up dork, everyday I’m probably embarrassing myself.
- Beckett or Stoppard? One word only please.
Eugenie Chan’s plays Bone to Pick and Diadem will premiere at the Cutting Ball theater on May 21st.
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