My work is a direct response to the spaces I’ve inhabited as a mixed-Black woman whose “data” is often unreadable to strangers, and to all the ways I’ve ever felt collared as a daughter, wife, or mother. I’m obsessed with power dynamics, and the ways in which violence manifests within hierarchies of powerlessness, mostly because I can’t say that I’ve ever felt free in public space.


Star Finch is a native San Franciscan trying her best to hold ground amidst the Black-erasure of gentrification. She is currently the Mellon Foundation Playwright in Residence at Campo Santo and Crowded Fire Theater. She’s also a resident playwright at Playwrights Foundation.


Finch’s plays include H.O.M.E. [Hookers on Mars Eventually] and BONDAGE (Relentless Award honorable mention). Her multidisciplinary collaborations include Campo Santo’s ETHOS DE MASQUERADE (with Global Street Dance Masquerade) and Crowded Fire’s DEATH BECOME LIFE (with Ensemble Mik Nawooj and AXIS Dance Company).


Star Finch is interested in exploring the normalcy and constancy of menace as they pertain to the feminine. To that end, her plays are layered collages of the surreal and sacred nature of humanity. Finch seeks to split open seams of expectation to offer a peek into the abyss of horror and wonder veiled by the status quo.


Her play BONDAGE will be published by Broadway Play Publishing Inc in the summer of 2021.


List of Plays: Star Finch

Twitter: @StarryFinch